
Windows. Most buildings have them and they make great subjects for photography.

Abandoned homes and stores often have the best windows for the back road photographer, and they can be shot from inside or outside.

I’m sharing a few of my favorites here.

Window of the old Harvey Store, Rock Camp, Monroe County, WV. (Please click on photo for larger image).

This one was shot in Rock Camp, Monroe County, WV. It’s a window of the old Harvey Store, along U.S 219. My wife and I were coming home from a short autumn photo road trip when I saw the window with vegetation growing inside and out. The lace curtains added to the scene. I pulled off the road and snapped a couple of shots from the open truck window with my Nikon D850, and 28-300 Nikkor set at about 65mm. We drove back home and I processed it that night. It has become one of my favorite shots.

Another favorite is from an old farmhouse, near Symsonia, Graves County, KY. The house had been abandoned for years, but an American flag still proudly hung above the window, as vines creeped inside. The photo was, by chance, shot on Independence Day last year.

Interior view of a farmhouse window, near Symsonia, Graves County, KY, It was shot on Independence Day of last year. (Please click on photo for larger image).

I’ll close with a shot from Thurmond, Fayette County, WV. It’s the front of the old National Bank Building there, which is maintained by the National Park Service. I was in the area for a meeting and decided to visit while I was there. The window looks much like it did decades ago, and the bank served the rural and prosperous coal mining community. Trains still travel along the tracks on a daily basis, and the old town offers a wealth of subjects for the back road photographer.

National Bank of Thurmond windows look much like they did decades ago when the community was a prosperous coal mining town. (Please click on photo for larger image).

Windows are everywhere and they vary greatly in design and decoration, but one thing is for sure, they make great subjects for photography.

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4 Responses to Windows

  1. Charles Matthews says:

    I’m living in NJ now, but from WV.

  2. Cindy Comer says:

    I love the pictures of windows. It makes me wonder how many people have looked through them.

  3. Fabulous post, Bob. Miss you here. And of course, we are serious windo-haulics here at Elmwood. Now that we have completed restoration of the circa 1825 Beirne house in Union, we are undertaking another old sash project to install old six light sash at the little stable in the lower meadow. Let’s get out that old linseed oil putty!

    • says:

      Thanks, Chris. We look forward to getting back to WV. Your Beirne house restoration is a fine example of period window sashes done right, along with the rest of the house. We can’t wait to see it when we get back.

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